Swayam offers volunteer opportunities to people from diverse backgrounds including students, professionals, homemakers and others.

To volunteer with Swayam, a volunteer has to commit to taking 16 hours of training and to giving a fixed amount of time regularly to the organisation.

Volunteer responsibilities include:

  • Fundraising
  • Data Entry
  • Designing posters, brochures, stickers
  • Organizing Events/Programmes
  • Managing the Drop-in-centre & the library for women
  • Translation into Hindi & Urdu
  • Participation and assistance to Swayam outreach programmes
  • Helping with volunteer coordination for outreach and other programmes
  • Assisting with media work

To volunteer, fill in the volunteer information form (click here for form) and e mail it to us at anindita@swayam.info

If you do not have time to be an active volunteer, we encourage you to sign up to the ‘Swayam Associate Volunteer List’ and we shall inform you about the upcoming events where you can participate, and about some activities that you can be involved with on an adhoc basis. Please send in your request to anindita@swayam.info with ‘Sign up to Swayam Associate Volunteer List’ in the e-mail.



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