Anyone interested in procuring our publications are requested to email us at:

Gender Equality and the Judicial System in West Bengal- A Report, 2001
The research sought to examine the nature and extent of bias against women within the judicial system, analyse how the judiciary views women who approach courts of law for redress and suggest ways in which the processes of administering justice could become more gender sensitive.

Young Minds Speak- Gender Inequality and Violence Against Women. A Study on Attitudes of School Children, 2005

The study makes an assessment of school’s children’s attitudes to and experience of gender inequality, violence against women and girls particularly domestic violence and explores the belief structures that encourage gender inequality and justify gender-based violence.

Resources for Women - A Directory

The Directory provides details of over a hundred organisations working for women in Kolkata in the areas of counselling, legal aid, alternative shelters, skill training, marketing and credit.


Prayas – a magazine – 18 issues in Bengali
Prayas – A compilation in English (read more)

Prayas meaning endeavour, is a magazine written and edited by the women who come to Swayam and reflects their thoughts, emotions, and experiences.


Understanding Violence against Women
(Also available in Bengali)



Protesting Violence against Women & Girls - A background and action kit for Students.

Communalism and Women
(Also available in Bengali)

The Status of Women: A reality check- Facts on inequality and crimes against women
(Also available in Bengali)

BOL- 8 one min films on domestic violence directed by Shabnam Virmani, produced by ICRW. Dubbed in Bengali by Swayam.

A 30 sec film - Sexual Harassment in public places. Video and CD (produced for the International Campaign to Stop Violence against Women and Girls, 2004)

Swapner Kathamala - An audio cassette of 9 songs in Bengali related to women's rights & discrimination. 3 of these songs are written by women who came to Swayam and the rest by eminent Bengali poets and writers. The songs have been sung by Usha Uthup, Indrani Sen, Lopamudra Mitra, Nipobithi Ghosh and Annie Chatterjee.



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