Our theatre group has come a long way since its first performance on International Women’s Day, 8 March 1997. At that time none of the women had acted before. Now they are regularly invited to perform alongside professional groups at theatre festivals and other events.  

The idea of using theatre as a potentially powerful medium for raising awareness about violence against women, grew spontaneously out of a support group exercise. Theatre encourages and promotes self-expression, co-operation and teamwork. We could see that much of what we were trying to achieve in the support groups could be addressed through the process of theatre itself. Further, the enthusiasm with which the women adopted this method of self-expression encouraged us to develop this activity, and today the theatre group is a force to reckon with.

Today the Theatre Group has 16 members and 4 productions under its fold. It performs regularly in different public places as well as for invited audiences. By writing and performing plays that bring ‘taboo’ issues out into the open, the members of the group have moved from being the ‘oppressed’ to emerging as activists for change in their own right.

  As part of the theatre group I derive satisfaction from the fact that I too am contributing towards social change/welfare.  

  I have been able to reach out to people using theatre as a medium to express my thoughts and voice my protest.


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