We provide direct support services to women facing violence including counselling, contact and follow up with police, Legal Advice and Aid, Health care support, career counselling, referrals for vocational training, employment and shelter and child support.

We look at each woman's problem in a holistic way and try to give her as much support as possible, to help empower her to take decisions about her life, and stand on her own feet. Our emphasis is on helping women to help themselves.

We provide women with a place where they can talk without feeling inhibited and conduct non-judgmental, non-directive and confidential counselling, over the phone and in person, individually and in groups. At a woman’s request, we also offer counselling to her family members.

Women suffering from trauma, depression, acute anxiety or other psychological conditions are offered professional psychological counselling. They are also referred to a psychiatrist if medication is necessary.

Contact and follow-up with the police
Fear and ignorance often prevent women from reporting cases of violence to the police. If this is the course a woman wishes to take, Swayam will intervene on her behalf to ensure the case is properly reported and timely action is taken.

Legal Advice and Aid
Our lawyers provide free consultations to help women review the legal options available to them. If required, they also represent women in court and our workers support them through the legal proceedings. We provide limited financial support for women who do not have the means to meet their legal expenses.

Healthcare support
When a woman requires emergency medical attention, we accompany her to a hospital to ensure that proper medical care is given. We provide limited financial support for women who are unable to meet their emergency treatment costs.

Career Counselling
We provide career counselling and review a woman’s employment and training needs within the context of her personal and economic situation.

Vocational Training and Employment
We actively network with a number of training as well as placement agencies to which we make referrals where appropriate. We provide limited financial assistance for vocational training where necessary. For those women considering self-employment or already running their own business, we offer business skills training.

Swayam does not run a shelter home, but encourages women to explore their options for living with friends, family or in rented accommodation. Where appropriate, we refer women and their children to shelter homes run by others. If necessary, we help with limited costs for accommodation for a limited period.

Child Support
We provide one to one psychological counselling for children of the women we work with, and organise outings and workshops for them. The drop-in-centre houses games and other facilities for them. In addition, we try to get them admission to schools and provide limited financial help, where needed, for their education.


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