Campaigning is an integral part of Swayam's activities and an effective tool for creating public awareness. Since inception, we have run regular campaigns that aim to break the myths around violence against women and girls, emphasising that it is a social problem and that it is everybody's responsibility to speak out and take action to prevent it.

Swayam's volunteers and survivors of violence play an important role in our campaign activities, and are encouraged to take the initiative and organise programmes on relevant issues during this time. Our campaign work extends throughout the year with a special concentrated effort during the International Campaign to Stop Violence against Women and Girls (25 November-10 Dec).

During the campaign, we collaborate with different organizations at the local, national and international levels in various ways. Over the years, this campaign has grown and is being observed collaboratively by groups in West Bengal, nationally and South Asia.

  16-day International Campaign to Stop Violence against Women and Girls

25th November –10th December

  • Campaign Details (click the year for details)
1997   1998   1999   2000   2001   2002    

National calendar of Events 2003
Common Calendar of Events for West Bengal 2003


Observing the Campaign

The Campaign is characterized by a variety of activities organized by different groups/ organizations. Events include cultural performances, exhibitions, workshops, and seminars, poster exhibitions, theatre shows, film festivals, pubic meetings, radio /TV programmes, press conferences and media advocacy, and are aimed at a wide cross section of people. We use the media extensively during this time.


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